Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Do you ski what I ski?

Skiing has provided me with the means to live a better life. Whether there was a dime in my pocket or a hundred thousand dollars. I'm better because of skiing.

If everyone could ski there would be world peace. Skiing is more than the simple manipulation of planks sliding predictably down a slope. It's the whole experience from waking up with coffee in the morning to tailgating in the parking lot with a blue ribbon winner on a warm spring afternoon.

If everyone could resource the ability to navigate their local Mountain on a regular basis with their friends and family they wouldn't be so aggressive. Their wouldn't be any insurgents or martyr's. I'm not advocating communism. Not very pragmatic to think I'm very thankful to be one of the lucky ones that get's to be above the clouds when it's rainy for months on end in the valley.